What goes up, must Blogdown: Version 3 (or 4) of jwhollister.com

Jeffrey Hollister · 2018-06-16 · 2 minute read

So, I finally have my website up and running as a Blogdown/Hugo site. I have been meaning to make this switch for some time now, but never really found the time until recently. Writing up the gory details of my experience doesn’t seem like a good use of my time (nor your time to read it). This is because it wasn’t very difficult a process and many others have taken the time to put together really nice documentation. So, I’ll just link to the sites I used and say a word or two about the theme I used.

First, here are the links I found to be best:

Second, I struggled picking a theme. I didn’t want one that was too fancy, but many of the simple themes had things missing that I wanted. In the end, I chose one of the nicest (IMO) of the clean themes, Nan Xiao’s Tanka. I made a few small tweaks for my purposes. First, I wanted to be able to create some stand alone pages that would have dates listed on them or get added to the blog listing on the main page. Second, I made a few tweaks to colors, and Last, I add some fanciness with the Font Awesome icons on the menus.

All in all, an improvement over my old site and now I can be like the cool kids.